July, 2018 Minisceongo Yacht Club
Present: Board Members: Jerry Silverman, Jay Melnick, Janice Anderson, Coulter Young, Peter Alfieri. 15 Clubs and 1 Associate represented.
Meeting called to order 8:05PM, after a very tasty repast provided by the members of the Minisceongo Yacht Club & served by the club social committee. Lucked out with great weather and the club’s super view of our Hudson River.
Jerry introduced Bob Tamagny Sr. Director and past Commodore of Minisceongo. Bob, led the pledge of allegiance and then told us about his club, a working club with a well-maintained facility, this evening club board members were at the local planning board seeking FINAL approval to build a new club house, 10 years into the process.
Jerry introduced our organization board members and noted that Frank Bergman is going through some very tough times, we all pray for Frank.
Jerry introduced Fran Dunwell, Hudson River Estuary Coordinator. The organization has been working for over 30 years to save our rivers fish, increase access, remove dams, eradicated invasive species and more. They have available grants to help with the improvements such as kayak launching sites and more. They are partnered with the Army Corp of Engineers to study lower harbor flood protection. See how to apply for grants on our web site [email protected]. Fran is a good friend of our club and appreciates our mutual interests.
Fran responded to a number of questions from the floor (who monitors water quality at the public beaches and other swimming spots), etc. and will get back to us with answers to other questions that had to be researched.
Jerry introduced John, from our southernmost club Keyport, John invited us to take advantage of their location, moorings and launches.
Jay took attendance 15 clubs and 1 associated member present.
Jay read the financials for July opened with $7,296.58, income (journal late payments) $520.00, expenses $437.24 good & welfare and meeting expenses, ending balance $7,379.34.
Jerry introduced Keira Burtch, a member of the Miniseongo Yacht Club. Keira has taken on the job of setting up and maintaining our new web site. Check it out it’s up date, informative (and less expensive than the previous site). Keira has asked for ALL member clubs to provide photos of your facility and to send her any announcements and updates you would like to see posted/Our email address is now [email protected]. Note it was Keira that did the heavy lifting and got our 2018 annual journal set up and produced.
Peter had HRB&YC merchandise displayed for sale.
Coulter collected for the 50/50 drawing winner received a prize of $93.
Next meeting September 25th to be hosted at the Ossining Boat & Canoe Club.
This is the nomination meeting, WE NEED NEW BLOOD, please consider getting involved, we need your help to sustain our club and the good work it does.
All officer positions are open to nominations, we have three Director positions that are in there second year and two open Director positions.
We hope to see Frank Bergman continue as President Emeritus, attending and representing us at all the important Hudson River Committees, Organizations and government meetings.
Meeting adjourned 9:00PM
2018 Officers:
President: Jerry Silverman Director: Bob Gardiner
Vice President: Scott Croft Director: Lynn Glassman
Treasurer: Jay Melnick Director: Janice Anderson
Secretary: Carolyn Campbell Director; Coulter Young
President Emeritus: Frank Bergman Director: Peter Alfieri
Jay Melnick for Carolyn Campbell