Maintaining a constant study of all things pertinent to the sport of boating and other recreational use of the Hudson River and improving conditions thereon.
Promoting increased inter-club activity among various clubs on the Hudson River; encouraging and furthering education relative to boating and navigation.
Cooperating with all government agencies concerned with the management and regulation of the Hudson River and with boating matters in general.

A Message from the President
The Hudson River Boat and Yacht Club Association (HRBYCA) has been the advocate for 33 local boat and yacht clubs from Raritan Bay, New Jersey to Port Ewan, New York. For 47 years, our goal has been to protect the environment of the Hudson River while encouraging the enjoyment of the river for over 5,000 recreational boating families. We ensure that our voices are represented in issues of government and we are a strong advocate of clean waters and responsible and safe boating.
The goal of the HRBYCA is to provide clubs with knowledge necessary to run our volunteer boating organizations. There are many challenges with growing membership, waterfront access, dredging, tax, insurance, environmental and safety concerns, and other practical issues.
General membership meetings take place on the last Tuesday of every other month. We strongly encourage and welcome any recreational boat owner, PWC owner, or paddler to attend our meetings, which offer topics that have an impact on your boating.
If you’re interested in joining a boat club on the Hudson River and would like more information, please check out our list of member clubs.
To stay current of all HRBYCA and river events please “Like” us on HRBYCA Facebook page.
Thanks, and I hope to see you on the river!
Jerry Silverman
Jerry Silverman President
Hudson River Boat &Yacht Club Association
[email protected]